The Masterflex “S“ series is a flexible spiral square tube used as a reinforcing hat section stiffener on the backsid
Stretchlon® 700 vacuum bag film is a high elongation elastomeric film which is designed for cures up to 385°F (195°C)
VacLeak LEQ-70 is a compact economical vacuum leak detector for finding leaks in vacuum bags, sealant tapes, hoses an
Airflow 100R is now available with 90 degrees fixed end fittings on one or both ends.
Stretchlon® 200 is a high elongation vacuum bagging film.
Benefits Include:
Airtech manufactures a variety of quality of vac valves. Here are a few that we are highlighting:
Address: 5700 Skylab Road,
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
United States
Phone: +1 714 899 8100